Export Training Calendar?

Not sure if I have missed it but is it possible to export my training calendar to excel/pdf by month in a calendar like format? Sometimes I want to print it out and tape it up in my work cube to keep it topn of mind.

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No method I am aware of exists right now.

Hi, bringing up an old request, but one which I found useful.

I am a spreadsheet guy, and found a way to export TR calendar to Google Sheet, including the workout description. It is not direct, but still workable nonetheless.


  1. Export TR calendar to Google Calendar. See: https://support.trainerroad.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022469251-Calendar-Export
  2. Go to Google Sheet and under “Extensions”, click “Add-on”. Search for “Calendar to Sheet” and install.
  3. Ensure Google Sheet and Google Calendar is of the same account. Under “Calendar to Sheet”, click “Specify Filter”

What you get is a table format, but I am sure once the data is in Google Sheet, there should be a way to organize them into a calendar format.


If you are on a Mac, you can also export the calendar and print it out.