Feature Request - Default option for manually uploaded rides without power

Outdoor rides without power - I commute to work 5 days a week but without a power meter. I upload the rides and manually set the intensity to moderate, this gives a good estimate of the TSS. I’d like a way to be able to set this level by default for all the rides I upload rather than having to go into each one and do it manually. It would also be useful for users uploading a large number of historical rides.

Outdoor rides without power will probably fall into two groups,

  1. specific workouts but no power available - in which case the RPE will be different for each and the user may want to try different levels to get the TSS they expect for the session and

  2. commutes where the same ride is done multiple times so an automated solution to estimate the TSS ie having a default RPE option, will be beneficial

The default could still be overwritten if you did a specific ride at a different intensity or not selected.


Plus one for this request, would be very useful

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Not a bad idea, but the ability to copy amd/or make recurring workouts (with populated settings) may well cover this need.

Yes for this. I’d actually prefer them to allow us, the users, to suck up the limitations of hrTSS and use that. But as they are so dead against that, this would be the next best thing.

I’m in the same boat, and just basically done a month’s worth of commutes. It was a pain. Even if there was the option to select a few outdoor rides, and apply the RPE to them rather than have to go into each individually.


Has this been added?1? :slight_smile:

The last two days commutes sync’d from Strava (without power) have included TSS, what is this based on?

Anyone else seen the same with uploaded rides



I agree an auto TSS would be useful. My commute yesterday didn’t have a TSS via strava. Interesting that you did JPJ

Agree on this, would be nice to get historical estimated TSS even if lower than it would have been otherwise. I’m not going back through years of history clicking buttons! Equally, going forward it would be nice to get TSS for commutes without manually having to do this.

That must have been a one off for me, rides back to having 0 tss when uploaded

plus 1 from me too. I have 2x5km commutes, which are always the same. Estimating the same for all of them a big hassle!

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Me too!
Commuting 4 days per week and it is a bit of a drag to manually add TSS for the same ride. Not fussed about variable efforts as could manually change them if I choose to go harder than usual. Keep up the good worm team TR

My solution here is to create an “Other Activity” in the calendar, set the time and estimate the stress. Then name it and set the repeating interval [daily, weekly, monthly, custom]. Then populate the calendar by setting the date on which the activity will cease to repeat.
Each ride is then set in the calendar and the TSS added to the weekly totals. All I have to do is:
1 each day go into the ride and tick the box to say that the ride was completed;
2 on days when I do not do the ride, I remove it from the calendar [use the delete function];
3 if I move the ride, I can simply shift its date in the calendar.

If you put in extra effort on some days, then just create another activity to record the additional work.

I commute every day in a bike without power meter. Since those rides are very similar in nature I can link the intensity from the estimate power option to my avg HR. However, I’m quite busy and I’m now facing 300+ rides that need power estimation. Is there a way I could do this thru an API? At the beginning of the year I was on top of it but then slacked a bit. Since I’m in the software industry, working with an API of sorts to automate this task would be super helpful.

There’s no formal/official api, but you can trace the web calls the browser makes and try to emulate that.