Form Sprints in ERG mode

Yes, you can improve resistance recovery a bit by using a lower gear. It will keep flywheel speed lower and allow the break to grab a bit sooner-easier.

If you are on PC, I sometimes setup the Resistance mode with about 30% resistance.

In the easy part between the warmup and the first set,

  1. Press the ‘M’ key to quickly toggle control to Resistance mode.
  2. Use the right arrow or mouse to a Resistance to about 30%
  3. Press the ‘M’ key 2x to get back to ERG mode.

Now the trick,

  1. About 2-3 seconds before your Form Sprint, press ‘M’ and it will start to switch to Resistance.
  2. It takes a bit and won’t kick in hard until near the end of the 10 sec sprint. At that time, it hauls the flywheel speed down in a hurry.
  3. I switch back to ERG and back to the regular workout from there.

This can still work on mobile, but there is no fast shortcut to toggle modes. You have to go into devices, which kills the flow of the workout.

I need to make a Feature Request that reads a super high power and cadence (as in the FS) and then responds by applying direct braking for a few seconds before returning to the regular ERG mode.

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