Instructional text has negative effect

That problems sort of solves itself for me. When I don’t have the capacity to deal with the instructional texts because the workout is too high-intensity, I usually just stare at the numbers anyway (I run TR on a big computer screen) with TR in minimal mode, so I don’t see the text. When I have the cognitive capacity for form drills etc., I look up and see the texts. :slight_smile:


He is aware of the verbal abuse he takes. And has even mentioned it in at least one instuctional text situation and on the podcast several times.

On the flip side I too feel like im winning when the txt reads “if you need to backpedal…” And i dont feel the need, it gives me an extra boost of confidence and a warm fuzzy feeling. or maybe thats just legs burning.


Yes! Ramp test warns you about “pain” and “suffer” multiple times which makes it much scarier than it is.

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I used to hate this type of stuff, like seeing “shut up legs” spray painted on a steep road
But I just ignore it. More focused on not rocking side to side and keeping a still torso and relaxed grip.
It comes down to the individual and focusing on something else is one way I ignored it

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Maybe there should be two categories of WO text:

Instructional Text, i.e., cadence, hand position, etc


Motivational Text, i.e., “this is going to hurt”

and you could have the ability to turn off one or the other.

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My problem is that the text often blocks the bar chart when I am trying to get a mental grip on the efforts a couple of minutes in advance.


This is an old thread but I found it today because I found the text to be mostly demotivating. I would love to have an option to only show text that instructs the rider to do some sort of option work like form sprints etc.


I think it would require a lot of manual work to classify the text by meaning. So not very likely to be implemented.

A keyboard shortcut to toggle the instructional text might be a good solution (said the software engineer who understands this might not be as easy as it seems).

Already present for Win/Mac at least.