Should I try to assign a tss to my strength training

Hi guys
I was just thinking would it be valuable to put my strength sessions in my calender. Because if I’m in the gym twice a week my tss take the hit and yet i am training and definitely feel it. I do one weights session and one callisthenics session. Just for future reference like when I’m in race season and the weights session gets dropped but I’m not really working harder just loooking for rough tss advice if I should put it in

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Use the TR search function: TSS; read all about it.

TSS = TRAINING stress…bike specific. You can keep an estimate of strength training stress as an indicator of how much recovery you may require, but not necessarily your fitness level. That’s how I approach it, any way.

TSS = fitness indicator
xSS = recovery indicator


I track my gym sessions in the new Calendar. I click on the day, then ‘+Add Activity’ and choose other. You can enter a time and intensity. It will give you a TSS estimate. It’s not going to be as exact as your power meter but this is where RPE and post workout sensations come in. If my gym sessions are impeding my ability to hit my interval numbers then I back off in the gym. This holds especially true on heavier TSS weeks.
It’s good to keep track of what your doing in the gym for historical reference and with the new calendar why not track it?


I feel like I search this topic every year around this time… although previous years it has to do with TrainingPeaks and I’ve looked on slowtiwtch… and got all the snarky responses you would expect from slowtwitch lol

I like the idea of just using the RPE and TR’s TSS estimator… but I’d love to hear @chad’s thoughts on the topic :slight_smile:


Wasn’t this discussed in one of the podcasts leading up to the break for Kona ?

I thought no TSS were assigned. Now of to see if mentioned in the podcast threads.