Stopping Android app updating when in use - possible?

Started workout last night, just finished the warmup and bang the app closes for an update - is on an Android phone, otherwise up to date.

Opening the app back up I could resume the workout (which made me happy), although it posted the part finished ride out to TP and Strava, but I wondered if there is a way to stop the app updating mid-session without stopping it auto-updating completely?

Nope. There used to be an option to only update apps while the phone was charging, but it looks like that was removed some time ago. Your best option is to disable auto-updates and then just pull them manually.

On the play store, on application page I can check or uncheck auto updates when clicking on the three little dots all the way up, on the right.

I’m on Android 8.0.

Ah great tip thanks. On my phone I could only see how to turn off auto-update for all apps.