Sweet Spot Base low volume

I’m going to hopefully get my sensors working soon so will be starting a base plan, I am entirely new to this sort of training.

Looking at the days the big effort is Saturday, which whilst it is still dry is my club run, I live in a hilly area and will be at 15-18kphaverage for anything from 80km to 100+.

I want to keep outside while it’s dry (the UK sure does like the rain in the autumn/winter) would I see issues swapping the 90 min effort to mid week and then a 60min effort on sunday? At least until I’m not getting outside.

Hey there!

You can totally swap those days and take your training outdoors until the weather turns. Generally, we recommend trying to match intensity and TSS for the outdoor ride. This is pretty easy since you are base training at the moment. Check out our help center article that has FAQ’s on how to substitute outdoor rides for indoor rides: https://support.trainerroad.com/hc/en-us/articles/204265814-Outdoor-Workout-Substitutions-Q-A

Hope this helps!

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