Utilizing fat for fuel

As mentioned, you burn a mixture of Fat & Carbs (not solely one or the other, generally) and this ratio changes given on intensity, duration etc.

Check my post here for an insightful article in to how fuelling affects this preference.

Ingesting a mixture of carbs & fat during your rides and tailoring this to both the length and profile of the ride can help reduce your dependence on carbs. As can not consuming lots of quick carbs prior to a ride.

I.E. on a long ride: fuel geared with a fat bias and switch this to a carb bias closer to the end. If your ride is quite sedate with maybe a climb or two then fuel more ‘carb heavy’ around (before/during/after) the climb or efforts.

A progression for this could be to switch from ‘fast’ carbs, to more moderate or ‘slow’ carbs. Then to begin introducing a mixture of moderate/slow carbs & fat.

I think a fair part of this is mental too, believing that you will or should ‘bonk’ if you don’t ingest Xg of carbs per hour.

I regularly complete endurance rides in the region of 4hrs fully fasted. Having a good resilience to bonking is quite nice. I have found on century rides where I have under-fuelled that I don’t bonk but rather my power reduces inline with my aerobic threshold and producing or holding much more than this for more than a short duration is quite difficult.